Gregory Banks.

Artificial Intelligence | AI in Education | K12 Education | Educational Technology | Investing in AI

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The Potential Promise AI Offers in Classrooms

AI has been said to be revolutionizing all areas of work, including K12 education. There are no books to guide the builders of AI tools on how to do this in a way that leads to positive change that avoids the recently acknowledged pitfalls of implementing tech in schools. In his book Aligned, author Gregory Banks fills that gap by giving programmers, business leaders, and investors sticky, insightful models of how the classroom works, where the opportunities are to build transformative AI tools, and provides more than 20 example products that could be built today that would have a positive impact.

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More About the Book

A book is a dream you hold in your hand.

-Neil Gaiman


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Terry Rayburn

Clarksville, Tennesse

"Integer lacinia nec quam sit amet porttitor. Proin tempor arcu vel nunc blandit fringilla. Etiam felis nisi, aliquet id felis eu, venenatis sagittis libero."

Jonathan Olick

Dallas, Texas

    "Nunc commodo nulla quis odio facilisis tristique sit amet non lorem. Integer lacinia nec quam sit amet porttitor. Proin tempor arcu vel nunc blandit fringilla."


    “You can have more than you got because you can become more than you are.”

    –– Jim Rohn


    Teacher, Administrator, Researcher.

    Greg Banks became a teacher to help strengthen opportunities for urban youth. In his more than 20 years in K12 education, he has served as a teacher, administrator, and researcher in public, exam, and private schools. During this time, he has contributed to school improvement efforts as department chair, teacher-leader, and as a creator of professional development. Dr. Banks completed his PhD in Chemistry while remaining in the classroom full time. His doctoral work focused on how teachers enact their beliefs in their classroom practices and the impacts of professional development on these beliefs and practices over time. He is currently working on a pilot study with Eddo Learning and the Einstein Project investigating how AI tools can help teachers adopt new science curricula more quickly and effectively. It was this work that uncovered the need to better support developers in understanding the classroom so that effective tech tools could be developed. Dr. Banks is a husband and father, and lives in the Boston area.
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