Aligned: A Love Letter To Developers On What We Need From AI To Improve Education.
Will AI tools help K12 kids learn, or will it get kicked out of school?

The Potential Promise AI Offers in K12 Classrooms.
AI has been said to be revolutionizing all areas of work, including education. While promising areas of focus in K12 education using AI have been identified in a general way - such as “enhancing how teachers support kids,” there are no books that describe how to do this. Aligned aims to fill this gap.
Written for programmers, business leaders, and investors, Aligned gives over 20 sample products that coders and developers can build today to support K12 education and shows the reader why these products would have a positive impact. This not only gives products that companies can build right now, it also gives readers reliable models of how the classroom works so they can envision additional products that will be truly impactful.
To give readers outside the education field this insight, this accessible book includes many graphics that distill key aspects of how teachers and students work together and where the opportunities are for improvement. This book is based on the author’s 20 years of classroom experience and his thorough grounding in the education research.